Tarang 2009 our college fest rocked like anything this time!! We enjoyed it a lot, the fest which was a three day event was especially entertaining and an exhilarating experience for all the LSR freshers like us! The fest span three days i.e. 13th to 15th November. The first day of the fest was the usual boring routine as all fests are, but it was great seeing your college in a new avatar, banners and decorations completely changed the look of our college!! On the second day of our fest, i.e. 14th the Saturday, there were a lot of interesting competitions like Indian music competition, Movie screening, Rangoli competition, street plays and Confessions of a tattoo. In the evening there was a mind-blowing performance by the famous band
Advaita. The last day of the fest drew the maximum crowd as it was super packed with loads of interesting events like the Stage play competition, followed by Indian Music competition, Hindi poetry competition and Hive – splash of music. In the evening we had an awesome ending of the fest by the DJ night! For a fresher like me the experience was mind-blowing!!!
Hey, seems that you had a great time over there. looks the same after reading your post. bty, we too had a similar fun and excitement during our college days. It was named "Hyurisko" a japanese term which means - we create. We had all sorts of programs and activities to spice up the event. Honestly speaking, I am missing those days like anything. Been in a job here in Pune, life has changed like anything for me. But that how the life goes...