Saturday, May 11, 2013

I bought your freedom

I bought your freedom my soft toy,
My green bunny, my cuddly boy
For this day, I saved my cash
So I could buy things and make it match,
Our expenses were almost the same,
He spent a little more, but he earned as well
I am still in college, so you can tell
How hard it must have been for me
Right in front my break up, I could see!

I could see it clearly coming my way,
So I did the best I could to pay,
Him somehow the money for my cute little baby,
Cause I knew that is something I could never give up, maybe
A clever decision, I am proud of it now
Decluttering my life, getting space to grow.

I bought your freedom my soft toy,
My green bunny, my cuddly boy!

Today when removing all those memory triggers from my life,
I am glad I literally ‘bought’my bunny back!
Leaving him would’ve be even more painful than the actual breakup,
It was love at first sight,
It was love at first sight,
His bright green fur, lights up my life! :D

(I know the last two lines are hilarious, but I wrote this poem in jest and it suited the mood and the flow, I was happy writing it, so didn’t change anything)  :)
written while preparing for exams on 12th may 2013 at 12:45 pm