Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Prakriti Activities 2009-2010

Prakriti, the Environment Society of College, organized a plethora of activities round the year. It continued to make its mark in maintaining the environmental consciousness and aesthetic greenery of College. The society inaugurated the year with the sapling plantation for freshers. This was followed by a talk by Dr. Aarti Bhalla on “Impact of Climate Change in India ”. The society worked towards promoting a peaceful Diwali by organizing a workshop to paint diyas that were then were sold at the NSS Diwali Mela. The Prakriti stall saw a host of products such as painted ‘kulhads’ which could be used as pen stands, saplings, recycled paper etc. The English Debating Society and Prakriti organized The Murlidhar Memorial Debate on the theme of “Climate Change”. The society also conducted a paper recycling drive. One of the major projects of the society was the mapping of the college’s carbon footprint. A report on this was presented to the college community during Prakriti week. The week also witnessed a series of events including talks on “Youth and Environment” by members of IYCN. There were two movie screenings. The first was The Hunted about tiger poachers and the second was A Degree of Concern about the impact of melting glaciers in Leh, Ladakh. There was a photography competition organized on the theme of ‘Capturing the secrets of Nature’. The week culminated with a nature walk conducted by Mr Ajay Mahajan. Prakriti won accolades at the DU Flower show.  Its members won second and third prize in the eastern style flower arrangement and third prize in the western style flower arrangement.

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